Lin Chi-Wei 香港展演

ourvoices an event exhibition curated by Loic Serot
From installations to toys, from images to objects, from
performances to concerts, we will explore the voice
modalities: inner, on, off, screamed, secondary,or omitted.
Modalities in which the human value of the voice updates itself along
with the ambiguity of its heritage: both nature and culture.
Clare Charnley (UK)
Katrin Kivimaa (Estonia)
Chestfield (Japan)
Dokaka (Japan)
EpZ (France)
Maider Fortune (France)
Priscilla Leung 梁小衛 (Hong Kong 香港)
Lin Chi Wei 林其蔚 (Taiwan 台灣)
Masahiro Miwa & Nobuyasu Sakonda (Japan)
Alain Della Negra (France)
Tozer Pak 白雙全 (Hong Kong香港)
Radio Free Robot (France)
Loic Serot (France)
Magdelen Wong 黃頌恩 (Hong Kong 香港)
Wen Yau 魂游 (Hong Kong 香港)
Ykon (Finland)
Exhibition / 展覽
19 -28.5.2007 (Sat-Mon 星期六至一) 10am -9pm
Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
Address: 7A Kennedy Road, Central, HK
Free Admission 免費入場
Opening / 開幕 18.5.2007 (Fri 星期五) 6pm-8pm
Magdelen Wong 黃頌恩 (Hong Kong 香港)
Lin Chi Wei 林其蔚 (Taiwan 台灣)
Chestfield (Japan)
Masahiro Miwa & Nobuyasu Sakonda (Japan)
Dokaka (Japan)
Maider Fortune (France)
Mehdi Hercberg & Raphaël Seguin (France)
Radio Free Robot (France)
Ykon (Finland)
Loic Serot (France)
Installation + Video Screening + Performance + Concert + / 表演 + 錄像 + 裝置及展覽
19.5.2007 (Sat星期六) 4pm (Prog 節目A) & 9pm (Prog 節目 B)
Fringe Theatre, Hong Kong Fringe Club / 藝穗會劇院
(Address: 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong / 地址:中環下亞厘畢道2號)
Programme / 節目 A 4pm
Video Screening / 短片放映
Clare Charnley (UK) Katrin Kivimaa (Estonia) Speech
Wen Yau 魂游 (Hong Kong 香港) I'll_forget; Hola, Santa Cruz
Alain Della Negra (France)
Maider Fortune & Loic Serot In the Voices
Masahiro Miwa & Nobuyasu Sakonda (Japan) Ordering a Pizza de Brothers
Tozer Pak 白雙全 (Hong Kong 香港) 919192 96
Loic Serot (France) Banlieux Games
Ykon (Finland) M8
Performance / 表演
Magdelen Wong 黃頌恩 (Hong Kong 香港)
Radio Free Robot (France)
Lin Chi Wei 林其蔚 (Taiwan 台灣)
Installation / 裝置
Mehdi Hercberg & Raphaël Seguin (France)
Primary Shapes (Hong Kong)
Programme / 節目 B 9pm
Video Screening / 短片放映
Clare Charnley (UK) Katrin Kivimaa (Estonia) Speech
Masahiro Miwa& Nobuyasu Sakonda (Japan) Ordering a Pizza de Brothers
Tozer Pak 白雙全 (Hong Kong 香港) 919192 96
Loic Serot (France) Banlieux Games
Ykon (Finland) M8
Performance / 表演
Magdelen Wong 黃頌恩 (Hong Kong 香港)
Priscilla Leung 梁小衛 (Hong Kong 香港)
Lin Chi Wei 林其蔚 (Taiwan 台灣)
Radio Free Robot (France)
Dokaka (Japan)
EpZ (France)
Installation / 裝置
Mehdi Hercberg & Raphaël Seguin (France)
Primary Shapes (Hong Kong)
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