九年之後,恐怖騷音之屋重啟大門。茫然四顧,風景移易,人事無常,唯土地懸浮,孤魂無主,絲毫未易。 最為駭人的是:過去鮮血班班的戰場不但不曾留下絲毫痕跡氣味,吋草不生的農地更早已變更使用成為大賣場預定地。
這是歷史上第一次,您不但可以親自參與台灣前衛藝術史之建構,更可以親身擁有它 - 越此一役,再無前路!
The Last Strike of Lin-Chi-Wei's Noise House
The phantom. Refused by its motherland, the doomed phantom from the 90s still wonders around into another dark night of Taipei. It is about to lose its last shelter; its past is eliminated, fading in frozen time. Lin-Chi-Wei’s Noise House is now roaring its ultimate final strike—your attention is requested at this crucial twist of time!
Apartment No. 2 is gone. ROXY, Sickly Sweet Café and all the Café Voltaire in Taipei are gone. Yet the “Noise House” located in Lin-Chi-Wei’s previous home in Xin-Shen South Road mysteriously and miraculously survives. The aura and the mise en scène concealed in this room remain as how they ever were as if not counting any movement of time.
Since the Student Revolt [of Taiwan] in 1989, the room had been the secret working base, the storage and the meeting venue for underground events of “Zero and Sound Liberation Organization”, “Sickly Sweetly Café”, “Broken Life Festival” and etc. All kinds of destroying schemes were produced on its used-to-be busy desk, equipments and documents of various events and terrorist actions were stored and filed in its cabinets, and the bed was once served as a temporary home to many visiting international noise artists. The room was finally closed down in 1998 when Lin-Chi-Wei started his military service after a decade’s operation, and it was locked out from the public ever since.
Another nine years have passed, and the “Noise House” reopens its door. Nevertheless, everything has not been the same except this room: the “Noise House” becomes a lonely phantom without a home. The most horrifying fact is that the blood that shed in the battlefield of the 90s could be traced no more, and the land is now clean, hardened and infertile—ready for a shopping mall construction.
Consequently, the small door of the “Noise House” voicelessly begins to lacerate, extend and expand the room itself. Not until the determining moment in July 8 will all of its viscera and veins of the era of the 90s be thrown out, the cut wound stretching outward as an enormous plastic bag turning inside out. The present status of reality will come to wrap the room instead; every private possession of Lin-Chi-Wei’s Noise House will be re-located in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Almost in an arrogant manner, it yells for its last strike: the emptied room will be auctioned on eBay at the starting bid zero. When this strike ends in September 3, the “Noise House” once owned by Lin-Chi-Wei will then be terminated. The phantom of the “Noise House” will either start its incarnation in the afterlife, or march with the ghost ally in deadly silence.
Is the “Noise House” with its passé glory
Going to rewrite the grass-root avant-garde art history of Taiwan,
Or to be discarded as a corner of debris under the Muzha dump (a garbage mountain of Taipei)?
Please Note: your attention or ignorance, your affectionate bidding action or aversion will rewrite history. Hereby the “Noise House” states the significance of itself again: this is the first time in history that you could take part in the narrative of Taiwanese avant-garde art history, and you could even own it as your private property—there will have no ground ahead beyond this final act!
The Last Strike of Lin-Chi-Wei’s Noise House it is.
ebay拍賣位置疆界/Altered States
展 期:2006年7月8日~2006年9月3日
地 點:台北市立美術館地下樓 E F 展廳 臺北市10461 中山北路3段181號
開放時間:開放時間:週二至週日(週一休館)09:30-17:30 週六延長至21:30